Hadil Salih

Sculptures & Performing Arts

Dance sculptures are a playground for the association of my work with the practice of movement. I look for enlargement, transformation or metamorphose of bodies and for the erasure of boundaries between humans and non-humans.


Echoing the traditional Bear Festival which is still practiced in the Pyrenees to celebrate the arrival of spring Orsa Bruna becomes a feminist figure. A giant bear who stares at us, mistress of the place, she invites us into her lair, plays with us, a captivating dominatrix, both erotic and mischievous, to the music of Donna Summer.

Exhibitions at the Carreau du Temple during the Everybody festival (February 2022) and at the Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature during La Fête de l’Ours (March 2022).

Creation : Hadil Salih, visual artist / Marinette Dozeville, choreographer - Interpretation : Lucie Mansas, dancer - Technical design : Manuia Faucon, prop maker


Object of transformation and hybridisation, dance sculptures are designed to modify our relationship to the body, movement and space. With silhouettes inspired by traditional costumes and masks, textures and creatures emerge through the diversion of construction materials.


Commissioned by Cartier International Le Chantier , June 2022. 

Sculpture for dance : Hadil Salih, visual artist 

Improvisation : Yoann Jolly, dancer – Léo Margue, conductor and saxophonist – Benjamin Athanase, lyrical singer – Ariane Bacquet, oboist – Cécile Lartigau, ondist – Maël Bailly, composer and violist – Victor Auber, bassist and guitarist – Rémi le Taillandier , electronic.


Carte blanche to Hadil Salih in order to create sculptures made for dancing. Textures and creatures emerge through the diversion of construction materials.


À vos Jeux… Prêts ? Créez ! est un projet intergénérationnel porté par La Fabrique de la Danse à destination des personnes malvoyantes, non voyantes et de jeunes scolaires voyants mêlant la danse et les valeurs du handisport..


Creation : Hadil Salih, visual artist,Technical design : Manuia Faucon, prop maker  Model : David Maire, Spring 2024