Hadil Salih

Visual Art & Movement

Dance drawing, drawing performance - Le Carreau du Temple

Workshop Performance drawing for all audiences created from Légendes, collaborative and curatorial project by dancer and choreographer Lorenzo De Angelis – Le Carreau du Temple, 2022-2023 

Dance & Metamorphosis - Le Carreau du Temple

Workshop Dance & Metamorphosis for all audiences created in association with the choreographer Marinette Dozeville - Le Carreau du Temple, 2022-2033

Action Painting - Primary School Fbg St-Denis, Musée d'Art Moderne de Paris

Action Painting workshop for primary school children (Year 2) at the Musée d'Art Moderne de Paris, REP Grange aux belles – Musée d'Art Moderne de Paris, 2024 

Drawing in motion & Collage – APAJH Paris (Association Pour Adultes et Jeunes Handicapés / Charity offering support to adults and young adults with learning disabilities) & Le Carreau du Temple

Drawing performance workshop for people with learning disabilities - APAJH Day Activities Center Paris & Le Carreau du Temple, 2024 

Drawing in motion – IME Centre Robert Doisneau & Le Carreau du Temple

Drawing in motion workshop for people with learning disabilities – Medical Educational Institute (IME) Centre Robert Doisneau & Le Carreau du Temple, 2024